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Prof. Dihenga’s Profile

Full Name: Hamisi Omar Dihenga

Title: Associate Professor

Area of specialization: Agricultural Engineering and Mechanization

School: School of Engineering and Technology 

Department: Agricultural Engineering

Office Location: BPE Building, Moringe Sokoine Campus

Email address: hodihenga[at]sua.ac.tz   


Hamisi Omari Dihenga is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Engineering since 2003. He was born on 17th June 1950. He joined the then University of Dar es salaam in 1974 as Tutorial Assistant and pursued postgraduate studies leading to a Masters’ Degree in Agricultural Engineering which he obtained from the Cranfield Institute of Technology in the United Kingdom in 1978. He earned his PhD degree in Agricultural Engineering Technology from Michigan State University in East Lansing, USA in 1984.


He served as the Head of Department of Agricultural Engineering and Land Planning for six years before he was appointed as the Sokoine University of Agriculture Registrar for six years. In 2006, he was appointed the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, a position he held until 2012 when he returned to the university to continue his academic career. This gives him 32 years of academic experience at the Sokoine University of Agriculture.


He has served in 10 Boards and being a chairman to 7 of them.

Academically sound, having published more than 50 research papers/articles and 3 books. Overall, he has had an outstanding and fulfilling career both in academia and educational leadership, specifically, in spearheading the establishment and construction of ward-based secondary schools in Tanzania.


Certificate of Primary Education Std VIII: Kongwa Primary School, Kongwa; (1957 – 1962) and Mehta Indian Public School, Shinyanga (1963 – 1964).

East African Certificate of Education, Ordinary – Level (1968); Galanos Secondary School, Tanga (1965) and Shinyanga Secondary School, Shinyanga (1966 – 1968).

East African Certificate of Education, Advanced – Level (1970); Mkwawa High School, Iringa.

BSc Agric. (Hon), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1974)

MSc (Agric. Eng.), Cranfield Institute of Technology, U.K. (1977)

PhD (Agric. Eng. and Techn.), Michigan State University, USA (1984)

Professional Development Certificate (Agric. Machinery Eng.), U.K. (1986)


Research Interests / Areas

Agricultural machinery engineering and management

Agricultural mechanization

Agricultural machinery design


Systems analysis in biosystems engineering

Conservation agriculture.


Funded Research Projects

SADC Land and Water Management Research Programme (1990);

DFID (UK) Programme – Conserve Water to Save Soil and the Environment ((R4913);

Irrigation Schemes Water Management Study, an ILO/PMO Special Intensive Public Works Project URT 77/0033;

Mechanisation of Agriculture in Lindi and Mtwara regions – an inquiry into possibilities (FINNIDA.



Courses taught:

AE 315 – Agricultural machinery and equipment design

AE 323 – Agricultural machinery and equipment

AE 410 – Mechanics of tractor and implement systems

AE 413 Engineering operations management

AE 417 – Fluid Power Systems

AE 419 – Agricultural machinery management

AE 421 –  Ergonomics, safety and maintenance

AE 425 – Mathematical planning techniques

IE 605 – Business studies

AE 617 – Project planning and management.

Students Supervision:

Several at PhD, Master’s and undergraduate level.



Introduction to Agro-mechanics. Publ. Mzumbe Book Project. ISBN 9987 552 02 1.;

Sources of Farm Power, SUA. ISBN 9987 605 001.;

Draft Animal Power- a student’s training manual; and

A Handbook – Diagnostic Analysis of Farmer-Managed Irrigation


Journal Articles

Dihenga, H.O. 1979. Tanzania’s experience in appropriate technology for tillage Operations. Commonwealth Secretariat, London. Appropriate Tillage: 219 – 245.

Kihupi, N.I. and H.O. Dihenga, 2000. Validation of Crop Weather Models for Crop Assessment and Yield Prediction Under Tanzania conditions. Tanzania J. Agric. Sc.:3(2):129-136.

Mpanduji, S; H.O. Dihenga; G. Wendel and E.L. Lazaro; 2001; Investigation on Tractor Repair Costs under Tanzania Conditions; AMA 32 (4): 71-75.

Tarimo, A.K.P.R; N.I. Kihupi; H.O. Dihenga and K.R.M. Rajabu, 2001. Investigation of the Effects of Sprinkler Irrigation System Design and Operation Related factors on Sugarcane Production in Tanzania. A Case Study of Kilombero Sugar Estates; Journal of the IET – The Tanzania Engineer 7(2): 56-64.

Mpanduji, S.M.; H.O. Dihenga, P.J. Makungu and E. Lazaro; 2002. Comparison of Repair Costs of Two Wheel Drive Tractors Under Tanzania Conditions; Uhandisi Journal 25(1): 16-23.

Tarimo, A.K.P.R, Kihupi, N.I and Dihenga, H.O (2004). Irrigation scheduling based on Penetrometer Depth Technique. Journal of the IET – the Tanzania Engineer 7(5): 76 – 82.

Kihupi, N.I.; Dihenga, H.O.; Tarimo, A.K.P.R., and Mnkabenga, F.M. (2004). Paradigms of land degradation Vis – a – Vis shifting cultivation in Tanzania. Uongozi Journal, Vol. 16(2): 120-132.

Tarimo, A.K.P.R., Kihupi, N.I., Dihenga, H.O.; Mbilinyi, B., Mwalukasa E.M., and Mkoga, J. (2002) Environmental impacts of Land Use/land cover changes: A case study of Chimala river catchment, Tanzania.  Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania; 31:1-15.

Kihupi, N.I., Dihenga, H.O., and Tarimo, A.K.P.R. (2004). Rainfall disaggregation for stochastic simulation of soil water balance.  The Tanzania Engineer; 8(1): 29-36.

Kihupi, N.I., Tarimo, A.K.P.R., and Dihenga, H.O. (2007). Spatial and temporal variability of growing season characteristics in Tanzania. Journal of the Geographical Association of Tanzania; 32:33-49.

Mpanduji S.M., Z.M. Mganilwa, P.J. Makungu and H.O. Dihenga (2007). The Costs of using Draft Animals for Sustainable Agricultural Production in Tanzania. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences (TAJAS). Vol. 8 No. 2, pp 141-148.


Book Chapters

Kihupi, N; R. Kingamkono; H.O. Dihenga; M. Kingamkono and W. Rwamugira; 2002. Integrating Indigenous Knowledge and Climate Forecasts in Tanzania (Chap. 10).  In:  Coping with Climate Variability:  The Use of Seasonal Climate Forecasts in Southern Africa; Karen L. O’Brien & Coleen H. Vogel Editors.  Ashgate Publ. Co. England & USA.

Kayombo, B; H.O. Dihenga and J. Ellis-Jones; 2001. Characteristics and Socio-Economic Evaluation of Two Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Systems.  In:  E. Stott, R.H. Mohtar and G.C. Steinhardt (Eds).  Sustaining Global Farm, International Soil Convervation Organisation, Purdue University/USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory: 139-146.


Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers:

Dihenga, H.O. 1985. Provision of tools and equipment for rural agricultural mechanisation – prerequisites and prospects. In proc. 1st National Symposium, Rwanda: 591-598.

Simalenga, T.E. and H.O. Dihenga. 1985. Small tractors in tropical dry land peasant farming. In proc. 1st National Symposium, Rwanda: 553 – 564.

Mwombeki, F.F. and H.O. Dihenga. 1989. Metering Studies for fine prilled urea. In Proc. TSAE 2:87 – Dihenga, H.O.; Kayombo; K.H. Shemsanga and T.E. Simalenga. 1989. Professional training of agricultural engineers. In proc. ANSTI/UNESCO Conference, Arusha: 1-7

Hatibu, N.; T.E. Simalenga and H.O. Dihenga. 1990. Repair and maintenance of tractors in Tanzania: Case study of privately owned large-scale farms. In proc. International Agric. Eng. Conference, Bangkok; 1:93-98.

Dihenga, H.O. and B.A. Salim. 1991. Processing facility location allocation planning: A case study of Tanzania cashew nut industry. In proc. TSAE 3:82-97.

Simalenga, T.E. and H.O. Dihenga. 1992 Predicting suitable days for soil tillage using weather data. In: SADC Land and Water Management Programme (Eds). Proceedings of First Annual Scientific Conference, October 8-10, 1990, Gaborone Botswana: 199-206.

Kassase, C.I.; N.I. Kihupi and H.O. Dihenga; 1992. Determination of Effective Length of Growing Season in Tanzania. In: SADC Land Management Research Programme (Eds). Proceedings of Third Annual Scientific Conference, October 5-7, 1992, Harare Zimbabwe: 491-512.

Kassase, C.I.: Kihupi, N.I. and Dihenga, H.O. 1993. Determination of start, end and distribution of seasonal rainfall vis-à-vis planting opportunity in semi-arid areas of Tanzania. In: Proceedings of the Third Technical Conference on Meteorological Research in Eastern and Southern Africa, Arusha, Tanzania, February 22-26, 1993.

Kingamkono, R.M.L; N.I. Kihupi and H.O. Dihenga, 1994. Length of a Growing Season vis-à-vis Rainfall distribution in Tanzania. In: SADC Land and Water Management Research Programme (Eds). Proceedings of Fifth Annual Scientific Conference, October 10-14, 1994. Harare, Zimbabwe: 141-155.

Magoko, W.R.R.; G. Gustafsson and H.O. Dihenga, 1994. The Influence of Building Design on the Thermal Environment in Poultry Houses in Tanzania. In: Hatibu, N.; H.O. Dihenga and P.J.J. Makungu (Eds). Proceedings of Tanzania Society of Agric. Engineers. 6:40-48.

Ellis-Jones, J.B. Kayombo, L. Martin and H.O. Dihenga, 1996. What future for the Ngoro soil and water conservation system: an interim evaluation – In: Willcocks, T.J. and F.N. Gichuki (Eds). Conserve Water to Save Soil and the Environment. Proceedings of an East Africa Workshop, May 26-30, Nyeri Kenya: 27-46.

Ellis-Jones J; Dihenga, H.O.; Tengberg, A; Nyenza, E; K; Martin, H.L. and Twomlow, S.J.; 1998. Farmers’ decision making in soil and water conservation: an example from Tanzania. In: Briggs, S.R., Ellis-Jones, J. and Twomlow, S.J. (Eds). Modern methods from traditional soil and water conservation technologies. Proceedings of a DFID Land Management Workshop, Jan, 13-15 1998.; the White Horse Inn, Kabale, Uganda: 44-53.

Martin, L.; Kayombo, B.; Dihenga, H.O.; Nyenza, E.; Twomlow, S. and Willcocks, T.; 1998. Traditional Soil and Water Conservation Systems in South West Tanzania. I. Technical Assessment of Matengo (Ngoro) pits. In: Briggs, S.R.; Ellis-Jones, J. and Twomlow, S.J. (Eds). Modern methods from traditional soil and water conservation technologies. Proceedings of a DFID Land Management Workshop. January 13-15, 1998.  The White Horse Inn. Kabale, Uganda: 54-68.

Martin, H.L.; Kayombo, B.; Dihenga, H.O.; Nyenza, E.; Twomlow, S.; Ellis-Jones, J. and Willcocks, T.; 1998. Traditional soil and water conservation systems in South West of Tanzania.  II Alternatives to the ngoro (Matengo) pits. In: Briggs, S.R.; Ellis-Jones, J. and Twomlow, S.J. (Eds).  Modern methods from traditional soil and water conservation technologies.  Proceedings of a DFID Land Management Workshop. January 13-15, 1998.  The White Horse Inn, Kabale, Uganda: 69-82.

Kingamkono, R.M.L.; N.I. Kihupi and H.O. Dihenga, 1998. Analysis of Risk and Dry Spells: A prerequisite for planning on Rainwater Harvesting Strategies. In: Makungu, P.; Mahoo, H.; Silayo, V. and Mdemu, M.; (Eds). Rainwater Harvesting for Agricultural and Domestic Water Supply.  Proceedings of the TSAE, Morogoro, Tanzania: 201-210.

2.21 Makungu, P.J.; H.O. Dihenga; B.K. Kayombo and P. Mtakwa, 1998.  Technical Requirements      for Improvement of Two Traditional Water and Soil Conservation Hillside Cultivation Methods Under Low Input Agriculture in Tanzania – In:  Makungu, P.; Mahoo, H., Silayo, V. and Mdemu, M. (Eds).  Rainwater Harvesting for Agricultural and Domestic Water supply. Proceedings of the Tanzania Society of Agricultural Engineers. 8: 109-121.

2.22 Dihenga H.O. 1998. Towards a Community based Management of Natural Resources Implementation Strategy: SUA-TU Project Experiences-In Isinika, A.C.; Kawa, I. H.; 

Neke, S.M. and Wambura, R.M. (Eds). Extension Services Delivery Systems; Proceedings of the Workshop for Extension Officers, Morogoro, Tanzania: 60-68.

Tarimo, A.K.P.R.; Kihupi, N.I.; Dihenga, H.O.; Mbilinyi, B.; Mwalukasa, E.M. and Mkoga Z.J. 2002. Effects of Land use/ cover changes in the Uplands of a River Catchment to the Lowlands: A case study of Chimala River Catchment in theUsangu Plains.In: Kinabo, L.D.B., Malimbwi, R.E., Lyimo-Macha, J.G. and Makungu, P.J. (Eds). Proceedings of the First Collaborative Research on Food Security; Morogoro, Tanzania: 110-119.


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Membership in Boards, Councils and Committees outside the University:

A chairman to 7 boards:

Chairman, National Steering Committee, Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Africa Programme Phase II, 1996 – 2001;

Chairman (First), University Council, Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM), 2004-2008;

Centre for Agricultural Mechanisation and Rural Technology (CAMARTEC), Arusha, Tanzania, 2008 – 2014;

AL-Maktoum College of Engineering and Technology, (AMCET), 2014 to date;

Ocean Road Cancer Institute (ORCI), 2015 – 2019;

Registration, Insolvency and Trusteeship (RITA), 2015 – 2022; and

Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB), 2022- to date.


Member to 5 boards of directors:

National Land Use Planning Commission (NLUPC), 1991-1993.

Tanzania Wildlife Corporation (TAWICO), 1996-1999;

Institute of Product Innovation (IPI), UDSM (1985-1989);

Muslim Development Foundation (MDF) (2003 – 2008). and

Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA), 2007-2009.


Member to 4 University Councils

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA),

Mzumbe University (MU),

Ardhi University (ARU) 

University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), between 1999  and 2010.


Member to 3 committees

National Steering Committee, Indigenous Soil and Water Conservation Africa Programme Phase II, 1996 – 2001;

Community-based Conservation Representative to Strategic Objective 2 (SO2), USAID NRM/E Program, 1997 – 2000; and

Executive Committee of the Inter University Council for East Africa (IUCEA), 2006-2012.



FAO Resource Person- Preparation of a working paper for 1990 Expert Consultation Meeting on “Manpower Development in Agricultural Engineering/Mechanisation in Developing Countries – Tanzania case.

Trainer and Resource person: Systems Analysis Course; 1991, AGROTEC/UNDP OPS regional Programme; Nairobi, Kenya.

Consultant to FINNID Mechanisation of Agriculture in Lindi and Mtwara Regions September – December 1991, FINNIDA Rural Integrated Project Support, Mtwara, Tanzania.

Consultant to Ministry of Agriculture – Preparation of National Agricultural Research Master plan, Specialist Area – Agricultural Engineering, 1990, Tanzania

Participant – Agricultural Machinery Testing and Evaluation, FAO Training Workshop Bangkok, Thailand November/December, 1994

Resource Person: Promoting Farmer Innovators:  Sub regional program midterm Evaluation; UNDP/UNSO; Dodoma, February 1999.

Participant – Improving Quality in Education Systems Course; International Harvard Graduate School, USA; 11-30 June 2006

Participant – The Payroll Audit Course; Management Training Consultancy (UK), Dubai, UAE; 3-14 October 2010.

Participant – Accountability, Governance, Risk, Control and Reporting on Performance; CCAF~FCVI International Programs; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; 18-21 October 2010.

Consultant – DfID and SIDA – Proposal Write-up for a Global Partnership for Education Grant ($98 million) to Support Literacy and Numeracy Education Program for Tanzania Mainland; Feb 2013 – Sept. 2014.


Department of Agricultural Engineering and Land Planning, 1987 – 1993.

Member – Board of the Faculty of Agriculture (SUA) (1985 – 1999).

Chairman – Computer Unit, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) (1985 -1988).

Coordinator, USAID Funded SUA-TU Link Project, 1993-1999.

Registrar, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 1999 – 2005.

Member – Executive Committee of SUA Convocation (2000 – 2005).

Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, 2006-2012.


Prof. Hamisi Omar Dihenga,

Department of Agricultural Engineering,

School of Engineering and Technology,

Sokoine University of Agriculture

P.O. Box 3003, CHUO KIKUU,


Mobile: +255 754 278 117/+255 782 488 888.

Email: hodihenga[at]sua.ac.tz