Full Name: Baanda Ayub Salim
Title: Associate Professor
Area of specialization: Information and Electrical Technologies
School: School of Engineering and Technology
Department: Department of Agricultural Engineering
Office Location: Edward Moringe Campus, School of Engineering and Technology
Email address: basalim[at]sua.ac.tz & basalim2000[at]yahoo.co.uk
Prof. Baanda Ayub Salim is currently an Associate Professor at the Department of Agricultural Engineering, Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania.He has over 39 years of teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has supervised several undergraduate special projects, MSc, and PhD researches. He has also undertaken several consultancy works and served as an external examiner for undergraduate programmes and higher degree candidates at the College of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology (CoAF) and College of Engineering and Technology (CoET), respectively, University of Dar es Salaam. He has been involved in a number of research projects, serving as the Principal Investigator in some of them. He has also been involved in the formulation of various policies at institutional level, e.g.,
Chairman: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Transport Policy;
Member: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Health Policy;
Member: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Farm Policy;
Member: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Institutional HIV/AIDS Policy.
Academic/Educational Background
Primary Education: Kikore Primary School, Kondoa, Dodoma (1967-1973)
Secondary Education: Songea Boys’ Secondary School, Songea (1974-1977)
Advanced Level Education: Pugu High School, Dar es Salaam (1978-1980)
University Education:
BSc (Electrical Engineering) – University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (1981-1985)
MSc (Agricultural Engineering) – University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK (1986-1987)
PhD (Computer Modelling and Simulation) – University of Bonn, Germany (1994-1999)
Research Interests / Areas
Computer Modelling and Simulation
Conservation Agriculture
Climate Change
Climate Smart Agriculture
Funded Research Projects
Expert: Project “Europe-Africa Quality Connect: Building Institutional Capacity through Partnership (2010 – 2012)” carried out with the support of the Erasmus Mundus Programme of the European Commission.
Member: Project “Building Climate Change Adaptation Capacity in the Agricultural Sector in Tanzania (2010 – 2012)” funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Project Leader: Research Project “Enhancing smallholder farmers’ resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change through the sustainable (climate smart) agriculture approach in the South Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania (2011 – 2016)” funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.
Project Leader: Research Project “The Zambian Conservation Farming Unit/Sokoine University of Agriculture Tanzania Conservation Agriculture Regional Programme (CFU/SUA CARP) (2014 – 2016)” funded by the Zambian Conservation Farming Unit (CFU).
Expert: Project “Developing a Harmonized TVET Qualifications Framework and at least TEN (10) Regional Harmonized Occupational Standards in the Priority Areas of EASTRIP for the three countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, and Tanzania)” (June 2021 – July 2022).
List of courses
AGE 114 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering
AGE 116 Computer Applications for Engineers
AGE 117 Introduction to Computer Programming for Engineers
AGE 221 System Dynamics
AE 322 Electrical Power Systems and Machines
AE 422 Aspects of Financial and Human Resource Management
IE 605 Business Studies (postgraduate course)
Students Supervision
I am currently supervising special projects of ten undergraduate students at the School of Engineering and Technology.
Salim, Baanda A. (1999). Modelling and measurement of soil moisture content based on a remote sensing method for applications in semi-arid tropics. Publisher: Bonn, Institut für Landtechnik, Germany. ISBN B00278B04S.
Thiemann, S., Winnegge, R., Förch, N., Abdallah, M., Amone, W., Salim, B.A. et. al. (2009). Financial Aspects of Integrated Watershed Management. CICD series. Vol 7. University of Siegen. ISSN: 1868-8578.
Journal Articles
H. Igbadun, H. Mahoo, A. Tarimo, and B. Salim (2006). Performance of two temperature-based reference evapotranspiration models in the Mkoji sub-catchment in Tanzania. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript LW 05 008. Vol. VIII. March, 2006.
Igbadun, Henry E., Henry F. Mahoo, Andrew K.P.R. Tarimo, and Baanda A. Salim (2006). Crop water productivity of an irrigated maize crop in Mkoji sub-catchment of the Great Ruaha River Basin, Tanzania. Agricultural Water Management. Volume 85, Issues 1-2 , pp. 141-150.
H. Igbadun, H. Mahoo, A. Tarimo and B. Salim (2006). Irrigation Scheduling Scenarios Studies for a Maize Crop in Tanzania Using a Computer-based Simulation Model. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript LW 06 007. Vol. VIII. November, 2006.
H. E. Igbadun, H. F. Mahoo, A.K.P.R. Tarimo and B. A. Salim (2007). Simulation of Soil Moisture Dynamics of the Soil Profile of a Maize Crop under Deficit Irrigation Scheduling. Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR Ejournal. Manuscript LW 06 015. Vol. IX. July, 2007.
Igbadun, Henry E., Andrew K.P.R. Tarimo, Baanda A. Salim and Henry F. Mahoo (2007). Evaluation of selected crop water production functions for an irrigated maize crop. Agricultural Water Management, 94 (2007), pp. 1-10.
Mpanduji, S.M. and Baanda Salim (2008). Annual costs of mechanizing with tractors in Tanzania. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America (AMA), Vol. 39 No. 4, Autumn 2008, pp. 81-86.
Igbadun, Henry E., Baanda A. Salim, Andrew K.P.R. Tarimo, and Henry F. Mahoo (2008). Effects of deficit irrigation scheduling on yields and soil water balance of irrigated maize. Irrigation Science, Vol. 27, No. 1 (1 November 2008), pp. 11 – 23.
H. E. Igbadun, B. A. Salim (2011). Field-Based Crop Coefficients (Kc) for a Maize Crop under Deficit Irrigation Scheduling. Nigerian Journal of Technological Development, Vol 8, No 2.
Igbadun, H.E., A.K.R. Tarimo, H.F. Mahoo, A.K.R. Tarimo, and B.A. Salim (2013). “Performance of ISIAMOD in Simulating Leaf Area Index, Biomass, and Grain Yields of Maize Crops under Deficit Irrigation”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 14(1):439-452.
Mthandi, J., Kahimba, F., Tarimo, A., Salim, B. and Lowole, M. (2013). Nitrogen movement in coarse-textured soils and its availability to maize (Zea mays L.) plant. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 30-35. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.48A005.
Mthandi, J., Kahimba, F., Tarimo, A., Salim, B. and Lowole, M. (2013). Root zone soil moisture redistribution in maize (Zea mays L.) under different water application regimes. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 521-528. doi: 10.4236/as.2013.410070.
Mthandi, J., Kahimba F.C., Tarimo A.K.P.R., Salim B.A. and Lowole M.W. (2013). Temporal distribution of total nitrogen concentration in root zone of maize (Zea mays L.). Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, September – 2013; Volume – 1(4), 328-336.
Igbadun HE, Salim BA (2014). Simulation Study of Yield and Soil Water Balance Responses of a Maize Crop to Farmers’ Irrigation Scheduling Practices in Tanzania. Irrigat Drainage Sys Eng 3: 119. doi:10.4172/2168-9768.1000119.
Mthandi, J., Salim, B.A., Kahimba, F.C., Tarimo, A.K. P.R. and Lowole, M.W. (2015). How much nitrogen would move down? Evaluating the effect of water application regimes on n leaching in the soil. Research Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Management. April, 2015; Vol. 4(4), pp. 208-215.
Mthandi, J., Kahimba, F.C., Tarimo, A.K. P.R., Salim, B.A., Lowole, M.W. (2015). Using EU-Rotate_N Model to Determine Effects of Nitrogen Application Dosage on N Leaching. International Journal of Research in Agricultural Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 3, ISSN (Online): 2348 – 3997. pp. 112 -117.
Ndabhemeye Mlengera, Peter W. Mtakwa, Baanda A. Salim, Geoffrey C. Mrema (2016). Can Conservation Agriculture Technologies Mitigate Intra-Seasonal Drought Effects on Crop Yields in Steep Lands? Case of the Southern Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. Vol. 6, No. 4, 2016 (Online). pp 15 – 23.
J. Mthandi, F. C. Kahimba, A. K. P. R. Tarimo, B. A. Salim, M. W. Lowole (2014). Nitrogen Distribution Model: A Farmer and Farm-Centred Model to Monitor N Movement in the Soil. Journal of Water Resource and Protection, 2014, 6, 1546-1552.
Mlengera, N., Mtakwa, P.W., Salim, B.A., Mrema, G.C. (2016). Effectiveness of Conservation Agriculture Technologies in Soil Erosion Control, Soil Moisture Retention and Improved Labour Productivity on Steep Slopes. Journal of Agriculture. Vol. 3, No. 9, September 2016. pp 1 – 13.
Mlengera, N., Mtakwa, P. W., Salim, B. A., Mrema, G. C. (2017). Conservation Tillage Methods for Soil Erosion Control on Steep Slopes: Case Study of Southern Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch. Vol. 2, No. 04; 2017. pp 25 – 42.
Mlengera, N., Mtakwa, P.W., Salim, B.A., Mrema, G.C. (2018). Crop Productivity Sustainability in the Southern Uluguru Mountains through Conservation Agriculture Technological Options. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Bioresearch. Vol. 3, No. 02; 2018. pp 52 – 67.
Muniale, F.M., Muyekho, F.N., Mtakwa, P.W., Baanda, A.S., Massonga, C. (2019). The Role of Conservation Agriculture in Management of Fall Army Worm Spodoptera frugiperda in Southern Tanzania. Global Journal of Scientific Researches. Vol. 7(2), pp. 27-31. 23 October. 2019.
Mthandi, J., Kahimba, F.C., Tarimo, A.K.P.R., Salim, B.A. & Lowole, M. 2014. Modification, calibration and validation of APSIM to suit maize (Zea mays L.) production system: a case of Nkango Irrigation Scheme in Malawi. American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2(1):1-11.
Book Chapters
Yonah, Z.O. and B.A. Salim (2007). Chapter XV: ICTs as Tools for Poverty Reduction: The Tanzanian Experience. In M. Hakikur Rahman (Ed.), Information and Communication Technologies for Economic and Regional Developments. Idea Group Publishing (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.), Hershey, USA, pp. 305-319. ISBN 1-59904-186-3 (hardcover) — ISBN 1-59904-188-X (e-book).
Yonah, Z.O. and B.A. Salim (2008). Chapter 3.17: ICTs as Tools for Poverty Reduction: The Tanzanian Experience. In Van Slyke, Craig (compiler), Information Communication Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Information Science Reference (an imprint of IGI Global), Hershey, USA, pp. 1538-1550. ISBN 978-1-59904-949-6 (hardcover) — ISBN 978-1-59904-950-2 (e-book). This work was previously published in Information and Communication Technologies for Economic and Regional Developments,edited by H. Rahman, pp. 305-319, copyright 2007 by IGI Publishing, formerly known as Idea Group Publishing (an imprint of IGI Global).
Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers
Dihenga, H.O. and B.A. Salim (1991). Processing Facility Location Planning: A Case Study on Tanzania Cashewnut Industry. Proceedings of the TSAE, Vol. III, p. 82-97.
Salim, B.A. and S.D. Tumbo (1992). The Status of Electric Power Utilization in Some Selected Agricultural Factories and Farms in Tanzania. Proceedings of the TSAE, Vol. IV, p. 106-115.
Salim, B.A. (1999). Computer Simulation of Soil Water Content and Soil Temperature under Bare Soil Conditions. In: Faculty of Agriculture (FoA) (1999). Agricultural Research Challenges for the 21st Century. Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Research Conference of the Faculty of Agriculture. Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania, November 17th – 19th, 1999. p. 363-372.
Mpanduji, S.M., H.O. Dihenga, Z.M. Mganilwa, P.J. Makungu, and B.A. Salim (2004). Annual Costs of Using Tractors in Tanzania. Proceedings of the TSAE, Volume 9, p. 116 – 121.
Igbadun, Henry E., Henry F. Mahoo, Andrew K.P.R. Tarimo, Baanda A. Salim (2005). Trend of productivity of water in rain-fed agriculture. Proceedings of the East Africa Integrated River Basin Management Conference (Edited by B.A. Lankford and H.F. Mahoo), pp. 10-17. (Available online at www.imwi.cgiar.org/ assessment/research).
Igbadun, Henry E., Henry F. Mahoo, Andrew K.P.R. Tarimo, Baanda A. Salim (2005). Productivity of water and economic benefit associated with deficit irrigation scheduling in maize Proceedings of the East Africa Integrated River Basin Management Conference (Edited by B.A. Lankford and H.F. Mahoo), pp. 18-28. (Available online at www.imwi.cgiar.org/assessment/research).
Igbadun, Henry E., Henry F. Mahoo, Andrew K.P.R. Tarimo, Baanda A. Salim (2006). Simulation and evaluation of impact of existing irrigation scheduling practice for maize crop in Mkoji Sub-catchment of Tanzania. Proceedings of the sixth International Association of Science, Technology, and Education Development (IASTED) international conference: Modelling, Simulation, and Optimization. September 11-13 2006, Gaborone, Botwsana, pp.117-122 (Available at http://www.actapress.com).
Igbadun, H.E., H.F Mahoo, A.K.P.R. Tarimo, and B.A. Salim (2008). Irrigation scheduling impact assessment model (ISIAMod) I. Model development. Proceedings of the 8th International conference of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) held at the Conference Hall of the University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State on 28th January to 1st February, 2008, Vol. 29:290-296.
Igbadun, H.E., H.F Mahoo, A.K.P.R. Tarimo, and B.A. Salim (2008). Irrigation scheduling impact assessment model (ISIAMod) II. Model calibration and validation. Proceedings of the 8th International conference of the Nigerian Institution of Agricultural Engineers (NIAE) held at the Conference Hall of the University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State on 28th January to 1st February, 2008, Vol. 29:297-304.
Mthandi, J., F.C. Kahimba, A.K.P.R. Tarimo, B.A. Salim, and M. Lowole (2012). Developing management options for optimising water and nitrogen utilization for maize production in Malawi. Research Application Summary. Proceedings of the Third RUFORUM Biennial Meeting 24th – 28th September 2012, Entebbe, Uganda. pp 1553 – 1560.
Google Scholar:
Research Gate:
Candidate for a Member of the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) through the Tanzania ruling party “Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM)”, 2006.
Candidate for a Member of the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the Tanzania ruling party “Chama cha Mapinduzi (CCM)”, 2007.
Head: Department of Engineering Sciences and Technology (September 2016 – October 2019).
External Examiner: Department of Agricultural Engineering, College of Agricultural Sciences and Food Technology (CoAF), University of Dar es Salaam (2021/2022 – 2023/2024 Triennium)
Chairman: Tanzania DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Alumni Association (2014 – Todate).
President: Tanzania Society of Agricultural Engineers (TSAE) (2003 – To date).
Chairperson: Total Land Care (TLC) Tanzania Board of Trustees (July 2017 – To date)
Member: Project Implementation Unit (PIU), Rural Energy Agency (REA) – Tanzania (July 2017 – To date)
Deputy Coordinator: Quality Assurance and Promotion Bureau (2009 – 2012).
Coordinator: End of Year/Semester University Examinations (2000-2008).
Invited Member: Committee of Vice Chancellors and Principals in Tanzania (CVCPT) (2000 – 2004).
Chairman: Sokoine University of Agriculture Muslim Community Trust (SUAMCT) (2006 – 2013).
Chairman: SUA Annual Board of Survey for Financial Years 2001/2002 – 2012/2013.
Chairman: SUA Annual Board of Survey for the Financial Years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013.
Chairman: SUA Annual Board of Survey for the Financial Year 2009/2010.
Chairman: SUA Annual Board of Survey for Financial Years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009.
Chairman: SUA Annual Board of Survey for Financial Years 2004/2005 to 2006/2007.
Chairman: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Transport Policy.
Chairman: Taskforce on Review of Semester Prospectus (2001 – 2009).
Chairman/Member: Various Search and other Committees/Taskforces at SUA.
Vice Chairman: The Tanzanian Electronic Networking Community (TANZANET) (2001 – 2002)
Secretary: Sokoine University of Agriculture Academic Staff Association (SUASA) (2000 –2004).
Secretary: Tanzania DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Alumni Association (2011 – 2014).
Executive Secretary: Sokoine University of Agriculture Muslim Community Trust (SUAMCT) (2002-2006).
Member: Technical Committee for the Matriculation Examination (2002/2003 – 2007/2008).
Member: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Health Policy.
Member: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Farm Policy.
Member: Taskforce on Draft of the SUA Institutional HIV/AIDS Policy.
Member: Taskforce on Conducting a Situation Analysis of Low Turn-up of SUA Freshers for the 2005/2006 Academic Year.
Member: SRERSS Development Team, Faculty of Agriculture, SUA.
Course Coordinator: BSc (Agricultural Engineering) Degree Programme (2008 – 2014).
Invited Member: SUA Planning and Estates Sub-Committee (2000-2004).
Member: SUA – Kamati Maalum ya Kusimamia Mfuko wa Vyombo vya Usafiri (2000-2004).
Member: SUA Health Committee (2000-2004).
Member: SUA Self Insurance Fund Claims Committee (2000-2004).
Member: Steering Committee for Running of Mazimbu Hospital during Transition Period (1st July 2004 – 30th June 2005).
Counsellor: SUA Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT).
Member: Reviewer and member of the commission for the DAAD scholarshipprogramme “Leadership for Africa” (LfA) East Africa, selection 2021 for Intake 2022
Prof. Baanda A. Salim
Sokoine University of Agriculture
School of Engineering and Technology
Department of Agricultural Engineering
P.O.Box 3003, CHUO KIKUU,
Tel: +255 23 2603511-4 Ext. 4435 (Office)
Mobile: +255 755 753233 (Vodacom); +255 784 753233 (Airtel)
Email addresses: basalim@sua.ac.tz & basalim2000@yahoo.co.uk