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Ms. Susan Mbacho’s Profile

Full Name: Susan Andrew Mbacho

Title: Assistant Lecturer

Area of specialization: Agricultural Engineering, Renewable Energy Technology

School: School of Engineering and Technology

Department: Department of Food Science and Agro-processing

Office Location: SoET

Email address: susan.mbacho[at]sua.ac.tz or mbachosusan[at]yahoo.co.uk



Susan A. Mbacho is an Assistant Lecturer from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania. She holds an MSc. Renewable Energy Technology from Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya. She also holds a BSc. Agricultural Engineering from SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania. She has two-year experience working in a sugar company as a Manager in the Field of Cultivation, Post-Harvest as well as Crop Maintenance from 2012 – 2014.

She has participated in several Research Projects and consultancy team at different capacity and managed to publish in peer review journals articles. She is teaching undergraduate courses mainly focus on Mechanical Processing of Agricultural Produce and other fields related to Agricultural Engineering. She is a council representative for members of the small council of School of Engineering and Technology & Estate and Works Department.

She was a member of Academic Committee at the Department of Engineering Sciences and Technology. Her research interest lies in the areas of Agricultural Engineering, Mechanization, Renewable Energy Technology, Processing of Agricultural Produce, Farm machinery, Farm Technological Transfer and Adoption. She is looking forward to expand her knowledge and skills in the field of Agricultural Engineering, Mechanization, Processing and Post-harvest Engineering that will deepen her scope to offer employers’ and clients’ best services.


Academic/Educational Background

2017 – 2019: Kenyatta University Completed MSc. in Renewable Energy Technology

2008 – 2012: Sokoine University of Agriculture Completed BSc. in Agricultural Engineering

2006-2008: Tabora Girls Secondary School  Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education Examinations (ACSEE)


Research Interests / Areas

Agricultural EngineeringAgricultural Mechanization, Agro – Processing, Bioprocess Engineering,  Biomaterials, Renewable Energy Technology, Postharvest Handling, Bioprocess Technology, Bioengineering


Funded Research Projects

Some of the research projects in which she has been involved are:

The Zambian Conservation Farming Unit/Sokoine University of Agriculture Tanzania Conservation Agriculture Regional Programme (CFU/SUA CARP) (2014-2016), funded by the Zambian Conservation Farming Unit (CFU).

Enhancing smallholder farmers’ resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change through the sustainable (climate smart) agriculture approach in the South Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania (2011 – 2016), funded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

Green Technologies and Innovations based Agribusinesses for Enhancing Youth Skills and Employment (March 2022 to June 2022), A research Assistant funded by SWISS CONTACT, Tanzania.



Development of ‘A Report of a Scoping Study on Information on Impact of Agricultural Mechanization Interventions in Tanzania during ASDP1 – 2005/15:  Designing Elements of an Impact Study’ provided by Ministry of Agriculture Food-security and Cooperatives (MAFC) under the Platform for Agricultural Policy Analysis and Coordination (PAPAC), in February 2016


Testing of developed improved portable wood-fuel cooking stoves with an NGO in Kenya: Coming up with the Efficiency fuel wood stove for cooking in May 2019.


She is research associate in the study to Assess Cross Border Provision of Mechanization Services and Trade in the East Africa (EAC) and Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) regions (Jan 2022 – Dec 2022), funded by FAO.




List of courses

Teaching AE 211: Strength of Materials

Teaching AE 320/BPE 314: Mechanical Processing of Agricultural Produce [UNIT OPERATION I]

Assisting in AE 420: Farmstead Planning and Construction of Farm Structures

Assisting in AE 423/BPE 412: Thermal Processing of Biological Materials [UNIT OPERATION II]

AE 300: Research Methodology I

AE 400: Research Methodology II


Students Supervision

Supervision of Undergraduate students Special Projects from [2014] to [2017] then from [2020] to [To Date] [Minimum of 4 students)



Books – Nil

Journal Articles

Mbacho, S. A., Thoruwa, T., Lang’at, N. K., & Ako, E. (2021). Performance of an Integrated Solar-Greenhouse Photovoltaic Ventilated Dryer with Clay-CaCl2 Energy Storage Desiccants for Tomato Drying. American Journal of Energy Engineering, 9(2), 19-29.

Yustas, Y. M., Tarimo, W. M., Mbacho, S. A., Kiobia, D. O., Makange, N. R., Kashaija, A. T., … & Silungwe, F. R. (2022). Toward Adaptation of Briquettes Making Technology for Green Energy and Youth Employment in Tanzania: A Review. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 10(4), 74-93.

Yustas, Y. M., Tarimo, W. M., Mbacho, S. A., Kiobia, D. O., Makange, N. R., Kashaija, A. T., & Silungwe, F. R. (2022). Likelihood of Adopting Briquette Technology in Abundance of Competitive Energy Sources: A Case Study of Morogoro Urban and Rural Districts, Tanzania. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 11(2), 11-20. https://doi.org/10.9734/jenrr/2022/v11i230272

Kiobia, D. O., Yustas, Y. M., Tarimo, W. M., Mbacho, S. A., Makange, N. R., Kashaija, A. T., … & Silungwe, F. R. (2022). Classification of Briquettes Selection Criteria Using Principal Components Analysis Approach. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering10(6), 14-26.

Book Chapters – Nil

Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers – Nil

  1. Google Scholar – https://scholar.google.com/citations?authuser=3&user=jq-oyowAAAAJ

Research Gate (Link) – https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Susan-Mbacho


Volunteered to help vulnerable group of children, old men and women or/and with disabilities to get services for basic needs under organized groups

Experience Event planning – Coordinate and Organize groups to perform specific duty or party


April, 2021 – To date   A council representative for members of the small council of School of Engineering and Technology & Estate and Works Department from [August 2021] to [To date].

April, 2021 – To date    Sokoine University of Agriculture Academic Staff Association (SUASA) Executive Committee representative for the School of Engineering and Technology.


Mobile No.: +255 752 836 383

Email: susan.mbacho[at]sua.ac.tz & mbachosusan[at]yahoo.co.uk

P.O. Box 3003, Chuo Kikuu, Morogoro, Tanzania