Full Name: Yusto Mugisha Yustas
Title: Lecturer
Area of specialization: Renewable Energy Technologies, Energy Systems Integration, Agricultural Engineering, Postharvest Processign and Storages.
School: School of Engineering and Technology (SoET)
Department: Food Science-Agro Processing (FS-AP)
Office Location: Edward Moringe Campus (SUA Main Campus), Building No.48, Electronics and Precision Agriculture, Laboratory(EPAL), Office No.2
Email address: engyustasyusto[at]sua.ac.tz
Yusto Mugisha Yustas received his PhD in Renewable Energy from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in November 2021. He worked on developing a predictive model for integrated renewable energy system performance. In 2010, as the District Agriculture Engineer, he was employed by the Rufiji District Council-Coast region, Tanzania. Currently, Dr. Yustas is the academic member of staff in the School of Engineering and Technology at SUA. He does teaching, researching, and offering consultancy services widely on issues of renewable energy, upscaling strategies for ensuring food security, agricultural mechanization and postharvest processing.
Academic/Educational Background
PhD: 2021-Developing the Integrated Anaerobic Digestion, Solar and Wind Energy System for rural semi-arid areas.
Sc.: 2012 (Renewable Energy) – Framework for performance evaluation of Natural convection mixed-mode solar tunnel dryer. MIE-CoET, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Sc.: 2009 (Agricultural Engineering), DAELP- Sokoine University of Agriculture-Tanzania
Professional Qualifications:
2011- Professional Member: Tanzania Renewable Energy Association, Tanzania
2009- Graduate Engineer: Engineers Registration Board of Tanzania, Tanzania
Research Interests / Areas:
renewable energy, upscaling strategies for ensuring food security, agricultural mechanization and postharvest processing.
Funded Research Projects:
2021-2022 Project Leader for Adaptation of Briquettes Making Technology for Green Energy and Youth Employment in Morogoro.
2014-2018 Team Member for Processing Work package: Food Value Chain Components, Trans-SEC Project-SUA, Tanzania.
List of book
Bioenergy from Agricultural Food Wastes(PTM 611)
Renewables: Energy Resources and Technologies (AE324)
Computer Aided Drafting (AE 117)
Computer Aided Design (AE326)
Introduction to Engineering Design (AE 210)
Mechanical Processing of Agricultural Produce/ Unit Operations I(AE320)
Materials Technology for Agricultural Engineers (AE217)
Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer (BPE 213)
Thermodynamics (BPE211/AE 213)
Engineering Drawing (AGE 111)
Material and Energy Balance (BPE 212)
Students Supervision:
Supervises Postgraduate and Undergraduate Students
Journal Articles:
Graef, F., Schneider, I., Fasse, A., Germer, J. U., Gevorgyan, E., Haule, Hoffmann, H., Kahimba, F.C., Kashaga, L., Kissoly, L., Lambert, C., Lana, M., Mahoo, H.F., Makoko, B., Mbaga, S.H., Mmbughu, A., Mkangwa, S., Mrosso, L., Mutabazi, K.D., Mwinuka, L., Ngazi, H., Nkonya, E., Reif, C., Said, S., Schaffert, A., Schäfer, M.P., Schindler, J., Sieber, S., Swamila, M., Welp, H.M., William L. and Yustas, Y.M. (2015). Assessment of upgrading strategies to improve regional food systems in Tanzania: Food processing, waste management and bioenergy, and income generation. Outlook on AGRICULTURE, 44(3), 179-186
Graef, F., Schneider, I., Fasse, A., Germer, J. U., Gevorgyan, E., Haule, Hoffmann, H., Lambert, C., Kahimba, F.C., Kashaga, L., Kissoly, L., Lambert, C., Lana, M., Mahoo, H.F., Makoko, B., Mbaga, S.H., Mmbughu, A., Mkangwa, Mrosso, S., L., Mutabazi, K.D., . Mwinuka, L, Ngazi, H., Nkonya, E., Reif, C., Said, S., Schaffert, A., Schäfer, M.P., Schindler, J., Sieber, S., Swamila, M., Welp, H.M., William, L. and Yustas, Y.M. (2015). Natural resource management and crop production strategies to improve regional food systems in Tanzania. Outlook on AGRICULTURE, 44(2), 159-167.
Uckert, G., Graef, F., Faße, A., Herrmann, L., Hoffmann, H., Kahimba, F. C., Kissoly, L., König, H.J., Lambert, C., Mahoo, H., Makoko, B., Mrosso, L., Mutabazi, K. D., Mwinuka, L., Schäfer, M. P. Schindler, J., Sieber, S., Swai, E. and Yustas, Y. M. ( 2018). ScalA-FS: Expert-Based Ex-Ante Assessments of Local Requirements and Success Potential of Upgrading Strategies for Improving Food Security in Rural Tanzania. Food Security, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571- 018-0789-0
Graef, F., Uckert, G., Schindler, J., König, H. J., Mbwana, H. A., Fasse, A., Mwinuka, L., Mahoo, H., Kaburire, L.N., Saidia, P., Yustas, Y. M., Silayo, V., Makoko, B., Kissoly, L., Lambert, C., Kimaro, A., Sieber, S., Hoffmann, H., Kahimba, F.C., and Mutabazi, K. D. (2017). Expert-Based Ex-Ante Assessments of Potential Social, Ecological, and Economic Impacts of Upgrading Strategies for Improving Food Security in Rural Tanzania Using the Scala-FS Approach. Food Security, 9(6), 1255-1270. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-016-0639-x
Yustas, Y., and Kimambo, C. Z. (2017). A Reliable Performance Evaluation Procedure for Natural Convection Mixed Mode Solar Dryer. International Journal of Postharvest Technology and Innovation, 5(4), 320-344. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJPTI.2017.092488
Yustas, Y., Tarimo, W., Mbacho, S., Kiobia, D., Makange, N., Kashaija, A., Mukama, E., Mzigo, C. and Silungwe, F. (2022) Toward Adaptation of Briquettes Making Technology for Green Energy and Youth Employment in Tanzania: A Review. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 10, 74-93. https://doi:10.4236/jpee.2022.104006
Yustas, Y. M., Tarimo, W. M., Mbacho, S. A., Kiobia, D. O., Makange, N. R., Kashaija, A. T., & Silungwe, F. R. (2022). Likelihood of Adopting Briquette Technology in Abundance of Competitive Energy Sources: A Case Study of Morogoro Urban and Rural Districts, Tanzania. Journal of Energy Research and Reviews, 11(2), 11-20. https://doi.org/10.9734/jenrr/2022/v11i230272
Kiobia, D., Yustas, Y., Tarimo, W., Mbacho, S., Makange, N., Kashaija, A., Mukama, E. and Silungwe, F. (2022) Classification of Briquettes Selection Criteria Using Principal Components Analysis Approach. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 10, 14-26. doi: 10.4236/jpee.2022.106002
Silayo, V.C.K., Lazaro, E.L., Yustas, Y., and Laswai, H.S (2013). Cassava Sun Drying Performance on Various Surfaces and Drying Bed Depths. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Science, 12 (1): 31-36.
Book Chapters:
Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers:
Google Scholar (Link):
Research Gate (Link):
Dr. Yusto Mugisha Yustas,
SoET-SUA, P.O.Box 3003, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Phone: +255 784 742 850 and +255 738 332 469
Email: engyustasyusto[at]sua.ac.tz and omukama.mugisha[at]gmail.co