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Mr. Mukama’s profile

Full Name: Erasto Benedict Mukama

Title: Assistant Lecturer/ Professional Civil Engineer

Area of specialization: Structural & Water Resources Engineering

School: School of Engineering and Technology (SoET)

Department: Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering

Office Location: SoET

Email address: erasto.mukama[at]sua.ac.tz or erastomukama[at]gmail.com


Eng. Erasto B. Mukama is a registered Professional Civil Engineer specializing in Structural and Water Resources Engineering. He holds his BSc. in Civil Engineering and MSc. in Water Resources Engineering from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. He has more than 5 years’ experience in supervising various construction projects as a Project Manager and Clerk of Works. He is also an Assistant Lecturer at the Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering at Sokoine University of Agriculture teaching undergraduate courses mainly focusing on structural and construction engineering and other fields of Civil Engineering. He has also participated in several consultancy and research teams as a project member where he has managed to publish several peer reviewed journal articles. 


Master of Science in Water Resources Engineering (2016 – 2018), University of Dar es Salaam

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (2012 – 2016), University of Dar es Salaam


Research Interests / Areas
Research areas of interest include: hydrology, water resources management, climate change and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in water resources.

Funded Research Projects

Project Name: Adaptation of Briquettes Making Technology for Green Energy and Youth Employment in Morogoro” A SWISSCONTACT funded Project

Duration: Jan – April 2022 

Status: Completed


List of courses

Undergraduate courses taught include: –

AGE 217 – Materials Technology for Agricultural Engineers

AE 311/ IWRE 311 – Analysis of Structures

IWRE 411 – Design of Structures

IWRE 416 – Construction Techniques

Students Supervision

Involved in supervision of students’ special projects (Minimum of 5 students every year)


Books – NIL

Journal Articles

Yustas, Y.M., Tarimo, W.M., Mbacho, S.A., Kiobia, D.O., Makange, N.R., Kashaija, A.T., Mukama, E.B., Mzigo, C.K. and Silungwe, F.R. (2022) Toward Adaptation of Briquettes Making Technology for Green Energy and Youth Employment in Tanzania: A Review. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 10, 74-93.

Kiobia, D.O., Yustas, Y.M., Tarimo, W.M., Mbacho, S.A., Makange, N.R., Kashaija, A.T., Mukama, E.B. and Silungwe, F.R. (2022) Classification of Briquettes Selection Criteria Using Principal Components Analysis Approach. Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 10, 14-26.

Book Chapters – NIL

Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers – NIL

Google Scholar


Research Gate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/ErastoMukama


Phone: +255 785 937 094

Email: erasto.mukama@sua.ac.tz or erastomukama@gmail.com

P.O.Box 3003 Morogoro