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Dr. Frida Nyamete’s Profile

Full Name: Frida Albinusi Nyamete

Title: Lecturer

Area of specialization: Food Microbiology, Food Safety& toxicology,

School: School of Engineering and Technology

Department: Food Science and Agro-Processing

Office Location: Food Science building

Email address: Frida.nyamete[at]sua.ac.tz & nachep[at]yahoo.com



Full Name:                Frida Albinusi Nyamete                       

Sex:                           Female                               

Date of Birth:            29/11/1982               

Place of Birth:          Dar es Salaam                    

Marital Status:          Married                     

Nationality:               Tanzanian


Academic/Educational Background (specify education level, where and when obtained)

Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, 2018-2021 PhD. Life Science

 Michigan State University, 2011-2013 MSc. Food Science

Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2003-2006  BSc. Food Science and Technology.


Research Interests / Areas

Multidisciplinary projects addressing food safety and quality, developing innovative solutions for various food preservation technological challenges that would deliver wholesome and nutritious foods with consumer desired quality attributes. Developing economical and practical strategies to prevent toxins particularly mycotoxin contamination of crops and human exposure to these toxins. 


Funded Research Projects


List of courses

FQS 607: Sensory evaluation of food

FT 202: Food Enzymology

FT 210: Technology of legumes, fats and oil

FT 100: Introduction to Food Science

Students Supervision

Current Msc students under my supervision

Wuiya Christina Zakayo, REG: PTM/D/2020/0002: Potential Management Strategies For Reducing Aflatoxin Levels in Maize (Zea Mays L.)

Mwankunda Lucy J, REG: MFQ/D/2021/0060: Accessing antimicrobial activity of moringa leaves in fresh meat

Robert Onesmo Andrew, REG: MFQ/D/2021/0002: Assessment of the Effects of Aflatoxin Contaminated Supplementary Feeds on Milk Production, Quality and Safety: The Case Study of Mpwapwa Breed Cow at Taliri Mpwapwa in Dodoma Tanzania.

Mohamed Zeyana N, REG: MFQ/D/2021/0059: Assessing types of microbes in rabbit fish (Siganus sutor) landed at different landing sites in Zanzibar


Current Bsc students under my supervision

Gervas Asteria E, REG: FST/D/2019/0014: Analysis of pesticide residues effect on African eggplant

Nchimbi Ansila, REG: FST/D/2019/0068: Quality assessment of composite weaning flour produced locally in Morogoro region, Tanzania

Tangula Shaila Maulid: REG: FST/D/2019/0076: Food handling practices among food vendors in Morogoro Municipal

Muganda Eliud B: REG: FST/D/2019/0018: Assessment of Microbial quality of yogurt locally produced in Morogoro Municipal

Kadyugennzi Janeth Andrea: REG: FST/D/2019/0029: Effect of storage and handling practices on aflatoxin contamination of sunflower seed

Maina Sophia Nyambura: REG: FST/D/2019/0103: Microbial assessment of fresh tomatoes sold at Morogoro market

Mboya Lilian Donath: REG: FST/D/2019/0037:  Effect of solar drying on nutritional quality of passion fruit

Minali Pendo I: REG: FST/D/2019/0078: use of cassava flour to improve nutritional and functional properties of biscuit

Nsaro Geofrey: REG: FST/D/2019/0012: Assessment of aflatoxin contamination on sunflower seed during post-harvest and handling practices among the small-scale grower at Kilosa district in Morogoro region.

Nutritional evaluation of moringa fortified maize flour to alleviate children malnutrition

Rashid Mwanaidi Selemani: REG: FST/D/2019/0067: Quality assessment of refined sunflower oil sold at local markets in Morogoro municipal

Kazembe Yassin H, REG: FST/D/2019/0143: Assessment of the quality of garlic, rosemary and ginger paste in preservation of meat




Journal Articles

Frida Nyamete1*, Joseph Runyogote2.(2022). Farmer’s knowledge on aquaculture management practices and challenges in Tanzania. Int. J. Biosci. 20(3), 1-15. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/20.3.1-15


Frida Nyamete1*, Musa Chacha1, Titus Msagati2, Jofrey Raymond1.(2020). Prevalence of fish parasites in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and physicochemical characteristics of pond water in Arusha and Morogoro, Tanzania. J. Biosci. 17(6), 76-91. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/17.6.76-91

Nyamete, F., Chacha, M., Msagati, T., & Raymond, J. (2020). Prospects for aquaculture development in Africa in the context of a changing climate: a review. International Journal of Biosciences.17(4),1-31. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/17.4.1-31 

Nyamete, F., Chacha, M., Msagati, T., & Raymond, J. (2020). Bioaccumulation and distribution pattern of heavy metals in aquaculture systems found in Arusha and Morogoro regions of Tanzania. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 1-18.https://doi.org/10.1080/03067319.2020.1807523


Nyamete, F. A., & Mongi, R. J. (2017). Folate contents, nutritional quality and consumer acceptability of yogurt fortified with red beetroot extract. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences16(2). https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjags/article/view/185085

Nyamete, F. A., Bennink, M., & Mugula, J. K. (2016). Potential of lactic acid fermentation in reducing aflatoxin B1 in Tanzania maize-based gruel. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development16(3), 11139-11151. https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajfand/article/view/141936

Nyamete, F. A., Mourice, B., & Mugula, J. K. (2016). Fumonisin B 1 Reduction in Lactic Acid Bacteria Fermentation of Maize Porridges. Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences15(1). https://www.ajol.info/index.php/tjags/article/view/164869


Book Chapters

Conference/Workshops/Seminar Papers”

Matthiesen, T., Nyamete, F., Msuya, J. M., & Maass, B. L. (2011). Importance of guinea pig husbandry for the livelihood of rural people in Tanzania: a case study in Iringa Region. https://cgspace.cgiar.org/handle/10568/65629

Gogle Scholar (Link):


Research Gate (Link): 



Disseminated knowledge to the mothers in rural Morogoro on the importance of using fermented gruel as a weaning food

Inspiring the next generation of young people to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education and careers



Sokoine University of Agriculture

Department of Food Technology and Agro-processing

PO Box 3006, Morogoro, Tanzania

E-mail :  nachep[at]yahoo.com / frida.nyamete[at]suanet.ac.tz

Mobile:  +255 627457289